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Mutagenicity, Creatine and Nutrient Contents of Pan Fried Meat from Various Animal Species


The mutagenic activity in extracts of fried meat from 16 different animal species was studied in Salmonella typhimurium TA98. In each experiment, 1 meat sample together with a standard beef sample was fried, and the mutagenicity was expressed relative to the beef sample. All meat samples showed less mutagenic activity than beef. The contents of creatine, creatinine, water, protein, carbohydrate and fat in the meat samples were analyzed, but mutagenicity was not correlated with the concentration of any of these constituents. Beef meat treated with creatinase to remove creatine produced reduced mutagenic activity. Possibly a threshold concentration of creatine is necessary to give a high mutagenic response.


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We thank Siri Mathiesen and Anne Holm for excellent technical assistance. Salmonella typhimurium strain TA98 was kindly provided by Professor Bruce Ames, University of California (Berkeley, CA, USA).

Financial support from the Agricultural Research Council of Norway, Stabekk College and Gudrun Akre’s foundation is gratefully acknowledged. We gratefully acknowledge the advice and criticism we received from professor Leiv Klungsøyr, Stabekk College, throughout this work.

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Vikse, R., Joner, R.E. Mutagenicity, Creatine and Nutrient Contents of Pan Fried Meat from Various Animal Species. Acta Vet Scand 34, 363–370 (1993).

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