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Effect of Dietary Magnesium on Post Mortem Phosphocreatine Utilization in Skeletal Muscle of Swine: A Non-Invasive Study Using 31P-NMR Spectroscopy


The effect of dietary magnesium on the post mortem PCr (phosphocreatine) decay in muscle of heterozygote malignant hyperthermia pigs was studied after in vivo exposure to a combination of halothane and succinylcholine. The pigs were anaesthetized with halothane and succinylcholine was injected in the ear vein. Immediately after initiation of the depolarizing neuromuscular blocking effect of succinylcholine the animals were captive-bolt stunned. The PCr decay, reflecting ATP turnover, was followed in situ by 31P-NMR spectroscopy in the biceps femoris muscle for the subsequent 40-70 min post mortem. In 3 of the 4 experiments, the Mg-fed pig had a significantly reduced rate of PCr hydrolysis compared to the control animal. The mechanism of this magnesium effect is unknown.


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We are grateful for the support from The Food Research Programme under the Danish Ministry of Agriculture, The Danish Medical Research Council (12-6281) and The Velux (1981) Foundation.

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Moesgaard, B., Errebo Larsen, I., Quistorff, B. et al. Effect of Dietary Magnesium on Post Mortem Phosphocreatine Utilization in Skeletal Muscle of Swine: A Non-Invasive Study Using 31P-NMR Spectroscopy. Acta Vet Scand 34, 397–404 (1993).

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