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A Photometric Method for Recording Hoof Diseases in Cattle, with Special Reference to Haemorrhages of the Sole


After cleaning and trimming, the sole surface and interdigital space of the hooves of cows are photographed in a standardized way. The colour slides are projected on to a screen and the haemorrhages of the sole (reflecting Pododermatitis aseptica diffusa) and the lesions of Dermatitis interdigitalis and Erosio ungulae are scored according to their severity and extent by 2 people who do not know the identity of the cows. In a repeatability test the correlation coefficients between 2 assessments of the haemorrhages in the sole ranged between 0.78 and 0.88 for assessments of the front hooves, the hind hooves and all the hooves together.


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The investigation was supported by the Swedish Council for Forestry and Agricultural Research and by the Swedish Farmers’ Foundation for Research.

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Bergsten, C. A Photometric Method for Recording Hoof Diseases in Cattle, with Special Reference to Haemorrhages of the Sole. Acta Vet Scand 34, 281–286 (1993).

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