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Reduction of Radiocesium Transfer to Animal Products Using Sustained Release Boli with Ammoniumiron(III)-Hexacyanoferrate(II)


A sustained release bolus with the cesium binder ammoniu-miron(III) - hexacyanoferrate (AFCF) has been developed as a countermeasure for small ruminants grazing pastures contaminated by radiocesium (134Cs+137Cs). The boli (40-50 g) are produced by compression of a mixture of AFCF, barite and wax. The release of AFCF from boli labelled with 137Cs-iron-hexacyanoferrate complex was studied in laboratory sheep. The release rate followed first order kinetics during the 108 d of observation and decreased from 40 to 22, 110 to 35 and 280 to 25 mg d−1 in sheep treated with 1, 2 or 3 boli respectively. The efficiency of boli in reducing radiocesium transfer to meat and milk was tested in laboratory studies with goats fed 134Cs tracer. Until 40 d after treatment the transfer of radiocesium to milk was reduced by 35%, 60% and 85% in goats given 1, 2 or 3 boli, respectively. The reduction in radiocaesium transfer persisted for 90 d but with a lower efficiency. A similar relationship was found between number of boli and the reduction in radiocesium transfer to meat with an observed maximal reduction of 60%.


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This study was supported by a grant from the Norwegian Agricultural Research Council. We appreciate the good care of the animals taken by A. Walle, A. Westre, R. Eikanger and A. Klaumann and the laboratory assistance by N. R Asper and G. østby.

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Hove, K., Hansen, H.S. Reduction of Radiocesium Transfer to Animal Products Using Sustained Release Boli with Ammoniumiron(III)-Hexacyanoferrate(II). Acta Vet Scand 34, 287–297 (1993).

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