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Further Arguments against 4-methylimidazole as Causal Factor in Ammoniated Forage Toxicosis: Experimental Seed-hay Poisoning in Young Lambs


4-methylimidazole (4-MeI) is up to now the main tremorogenic poison known to be present in ammoniated roughages. The concentration of 4-MeI is widely used as an indicator of the potential toxicity of individual batches of ammoniated straw and hay.


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We are grateful to Ottar Kjus in A/S Norsk Fôrkon-servering for providing the ammoniated seed hay bales and to Anneli H0iden Skogstad and Patricia A. Engen at the Laboratory Animal Department of the Norwegian College of Veterinary Medicine for excellent care of the animals. The biochemical analyses were carried out by Dept. of large animal diseases and Dept. of biochemistry at Norw. Coll. of Vet. Med. and the pathological examination by Dept. of pathology, National Veterinary Institute.

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Sivertsen, T., Langseth, W., Mo, E. et al. Further Arguments against 4-methylimidazole as Causal Factor in Ammoniated Forage Toxicosis: Experimental Seed-hay Poisoning in Young Lambs. Acta Vet Scand 34, 227–230 (1993).

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