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A Light and Electron Microscopic Study on Abomasal Globidiosis in Somali Goats

Globidios hos get


Abomasum from apparently healthy Somali goats with globidiosis showed pin-head sized nodules embedded in the mucosa. The nodules consisted of encapsulated cysts, containing mature or immature schizonts. Glandular atrophy and lymphohistiocytic cell reaction were often found in the vicinity of these cysts. The fine structure of immature and mature cysts is described in details. The mature cysts contained elongated, spindle shaped merozoites (type I) or shorter, ovoidal merozoites (type II). Some mature cysts also had basophilic granular bodies among the merozoites. Type I and type II merozoites were morphologically different from those earlier described in goats.


Hos synbarligen friska getter från Somalia påvisades knappnålshuvudstora knutor i löpmagens mucosa. Knutoma utgjordes av inkapslade cystor innehållande mogna eller omogna schizonter. Omkring cystoma sågs ofta atrofi av körtlar och lymfohistiocytär cellreaktion. Ultrastructuren av omogna och mogna cystor beskrivs i detalj. Mogna cystor innehöll långsträckta, spolformade merozoiter (typ J) eller kortare, ovala merozoiter (typ II). I en del mogna cystor fanns också basofila granulära kroppar bland merozoitema. Typ I och II merozoiter skiljde sig morfologiskt från de som tidigare beskrivits hos get.


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Abdurahman, O.S., Hilali, M. & Järplid, B. A Light and Electron Microscopic Study on Abomasal Globidiosis in Somali Goats. Acta Vet Scand 28, 181–187 (1987).

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