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Occurrence, Isolation and Serotyping of Erysipelothrix Rhusiopathiae in Cattle and Pig Slurry

Forekomst, pĂ¥visning og serologisk typebestemmelse af Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae i kvæg- og svinegylle


In a survey on the occurrence of potential pathogenic bacteria in slurry, Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae (E. rh.) was found in samples from 49 % of 84 cattle herds, 44 % of 32 pig herds, and 39 % of 67 cattle and pig herds. Among E. rh. isolates from 81 of the herds, 16 different serotypes were distinguished, including 1 serotype not previously described, which was designated serotype 23.

Procedures of isolation and serotyping are presented and discussed, and the serotype distribution within the different herd categories is outlined.


Ved en undersøgelse af gylle fra danske kvægog svinebesætninger for muligt indhold af en række potentielt patogene bakterier pĂ¥vistes Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae i prøver fra 49 % af 84 kvægbesætninger, 44 % af 32 svinebesætninger og 39 % af 67 kvæg- og svinebesætninger.

Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae-isolater fra 81 af besætningerne blev underkastet serologisk typebestemmelse, og der fandtes 16 forskellige serotyper, hvoraf en ikke tidligere er beskrevet. Denne blev betegnet serotype 23 med stamme KS 20A som typestamme.

De anvendte metoder til isolation og serotypebe-stemmelse beskrives og diskuteres, og der gives en oversigt over fordelingen af serotyper de forskellige besætningskategorier imellem.


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The technical assistance by N. Midtgaard, who collected the slurry samples, by L. Jørgensen and E. Hytting, who took care of the isolation and serotyping of E. rh. strains, respectively, and by J. Røken, who typed the manuscript, is gratefully acknowledged.

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Nørrung, V., Munch, B. & Larsen, H.E. Occurrence, Isolation and Serotyping of Erysipelothrix Rhusiopathiae in Cattle and Pig Slurry. Acta Vet Scand 28, 9–14 (1987).

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