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Histomorphological Studies of the Perinatal Pig: Comparison of Five Mortality Groups with Unaffected Pigs

Histomorfologiska studier av grisar i perinatala perioden


The results of a histological examination of organs obtained from 5 clinically and morphologically identified and described mortality groups of pigs dying during the perinatal period (0–60 h of age) were compared with the results obtained from the same examination of unaffected, apparently normal pigs (0.4–60 h of age). The histomorphological pictures were judged blind according to a scale of 1 to 4, where 1 = none or insignificant, and 4 = a high degree of a specific organ characteristic. The results for each organ characteristic were analysed statistically.


Resultaten av histologiska undersökning av organ härrörande frän 0–60 timmar gamla kliniskt och morfologiskt identifierade mortalitetsgmpper, jämfördes med resultat av motsvarande studie av normala grisar i samma ålder och från samma besättning. Olika iakttagelser graderades blint i en skala 1–4 där 1 angav ingen eller obetydlig förekomst och 4 höggraddig förekomst av respektive observation. Jämförelserna gjordes med hjälp av statistiska program erhållna från BMPD – Biomedical Computer Program.

Konstaterade differenser mellan normala djur och de olika mortal i tetsgrupperna presenteras i Tabell 3. Ett försök till utvärdering av differenserna har gjorts.


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This work was supported by grant Nos. P111 and P 139 from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (J. Svendsen) and by grant No. 600001-5 from the National Veterinary Institute (N-E. Björklund).

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Björklund, NE., Svendsen, J. & Svendsen, L.S. Histomorphological Studies of the Perinatal Pig: Comparison of Five Mortality Groups with Unaffected Pigs. Acta Vet Scand 28, 105–116 (1987).

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