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Monoclonal Antibodies Applied in an Immunoperoxidase Method for Detection of Parvovirus in Specimens of Small Intestine from Dog and Mink


Virus isolation and the haemagglutination test are traditionally used for detection of parvovirus in faeces and intestinal contents (Weber 1983). In 1980 Osterhaus et al demonstrated parvovirus-like particles in faeces of dogs by means of negative contrast electron microscopy. Lately, ELISA tests have been developed for the detection of canine parvovirus (Mildbrand 1984, Fiscus 1984, Juntti et al, in manuscript). Further, the presence of parvovirus in histological specimens, fixed either in formalin-sublimate (Macartney & Macartney 1986) or in 10% buffered formalin (Ducatelle et al. 1981), has been demonstrated using polyclonal antibodies and the immunoperoxidase technique.


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Dr. Caroline Fossum and Prof. Claes Rehbinder are acknowledged for their skillfull advice. Also thanks to Mrs. Lena Hulten-Pousette and Miss Ann-Charlotte Ekholm for preparing the manuscript.

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Jönsson, L., Magnusson, C., Book, M. et al. Monoclonal Antibodies Applied in an Immunoperoxidase Method for Detection of Parvovirus in Specimens of Small Intestine from Dog and Mink. Acta Vet Scand 29, 263–264 (1988).

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