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Radioimmunoassay for Luteinizing Hormone in Bovine Species Based on Commercially Available Reagents

Radioimmunoassay for bovint luteiniserende hormon baseret på kommercielt tilgængelige reagenser


A radioimmunoassay method based on commercially distributed antibody and antigen for measurement of bovine luteinizing hormone is presented. The method is characterized by (1) intraassay coefficient of variation (C.V.) from 1.3 to 10%, and (2) interassay C.V. from 4 to 18%. The specificity is illustrated by the cross reactivity of bFSH which is found to be 0.4%. The method provides good correlation with a previously well characterized method. Also the influence on sensitivity of length of incubation time is discussed.


En metode til bestemmelse af bovint luteiniserende hormon (LH) baseret på radio-immunologiske principper og under anvendelse af kommercielt tilgængeligt antistof og antigen er præsenteret. Metoden karakteriseres ved variationskoefficienter: intra assay C.V. fra 1,3 til 10% og inter assayC.V. fra 4 til 18%. Specificiteen er illustreret ved krydsreaktion af bFSH og findes at være 0,4%. Metoden har vist sig at være i god overensstemmelse med en kendt metode. Endvidere diskuteres inkubationstidens betydning for analysens følsomhed.


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This work has been supported by grant no. 13-3715 from The Danish Veterinary and Agricultural Research Council.

The author appreciates the work performed with great skill by K. Ejstrup; also the many interesting discussions with H. Callesen and T. Greve upon the scope of the analytical work are acknowledged.

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Høier, R. Radioimmunoassay for Luteinizing Hormone in Bovine Species Based on Commercially Available Reagents. Acta Vet Scand 29, 61–66 (1988).

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