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Actinobacillus Pleuropneumoniae Serotype 5, Subtypes a and b: Cross Protection Experiments

Actinobacillus (Haemophilus) pleuropneumoniae serotype 5, subtype a and b: Undersøkelser over krydsimmunitet


Vaccination of pigs with a killed culture of A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 5, strain K17 (subtype a) afforded a high degree of protection against challenge with strains L20 and T928 (subtype b). The reverse experiment showed that strain L20 gave good protection against challenge with strain K17 whereas strain T928 did not afford an acceptable protection against challenge with this strain.

The considerable cross immunity shown to exist between strains K17 and L20 indicates a high degree of homogeneity of the antigenic determinants of the two strains involved in induction of protective immunity and suggest that antibodies to capsular subtype specific determinants may not play a significant role in the specific defence against A. pleuropneumoniae strains belonging to serotype 5. The finding that a vaccine prepared from strain T928 did not afford an acceptable protection against challenge with strain K17 indicates a variable expression among serotype 5 strains of the antigenic determinants which induce protective immunity against A. pleuropneumoniae infection.


Ved vaccination af grise med en dræbt 6-timers kultur af A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 5, stamme K17 (subtype a) opnåedes en betydelig beskyttelse mod intranasal podning med stammerne L20 og T928 (subtype b).

Det omvendte eksperiment viste, at en vaccine med stamme L20 gav god beskyttelse mod intranasal podning med K17, hvorimod en vaccine med T928 ikke gav tilstrækkelig beskyttelse mod intranasal podning med denne stamme.

Disse resultater viser at de antigene determinanter der er fælles for stammerne K17 og L20 er i stand til at give en tilstrækkelig beskyttelse mod pleuropneumoni og antyder at antistoffer mod subtype specifikke antigene determinanter ikke synes at spille en væsentlig rolle for beskyttende immunitet.

Resultaterne opnået med en vaccine med stamme T928 synes at antyde, at der er kvalitative eller kvantitative forskelle i de antigene determinanter der har betydning for opnåelse af beskyttende immunitet mod stammer tilhørende serotype 5. Det er derfor vigtigt at kende potentielle vaccinestammers krydsbeskyttende egenskaber før de anvendes som antigener i vacciner.


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Nielsen, R. Actinobacillus Pleuropneumoniae Serotype 5, Subtypes a and b: Cross Protection Experiments. Acta Vet Scand 29, 67–75 (1988).

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