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A Study on the Effects of Tactical Drenchings with a Benzimidazole against Ostertagiasis in Calves

En undersøgelse af virkningen af taktiske doseringer med et benzimidazol over for ostertagiose hos kalve


In the present study tactical fenbendazole treatments against ostertagiasis in calves were given at short intervals towards the end of the grazing season. This prevented clinical disease and had moderate effects on parasitic loads in animals that stayed on the same pasture throughout the season. The feasibility of tactical treatments is discussed in relation to various strategical control measures.


I undersøgelsen foretoges taktiske fenbendazole-behandlinger af kalve med korte intervaller mod græsningssæsonens slutning. Dette forebyggede opståen af klinisk ostertagiose og havde en vis reducerende effekt på parasitbyrderne hos kalve, som opholdt sig på samme græsmark hele sæsonen. Anvendelsen af taktiske behandlinger diskuteres i relation til en række strategiske kontrolmetoder.


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Nansen, P., Jørgensen, R.J., Henriksen, S.A. et al. A Study on the Effects of Tactical Drenchings with a Benzimidazole against Ostertagiasis in Calves. Acta Vet Scand 29, 85–90 (1988).

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