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Electron Microscopy of Bursa of Fabricius of Chicks Infected with a Field Strain of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus

Electronmikroskopi av Bursa Fabricius hos kyckling efter infektion med en vild stam av IBD virus


Chicks were infected in the bursa with a field strain of infectious bursal disease virus. Inter- and intracellular edema, condensation and margination of nuclear chromatin, increased number of lysosomes in macrophages, and lymphocytolytic changes appeared earliest by 8 hours post infection. Inclusions containing spheroid to hexagonal virus particles were seen in the cytoplasm of the macrophages. Multiplying virus particles in crystalline arrays arranged either in single or in multiple clusters were seen in the cytoplasm of macrophages, lymphocytes and light stained reticular epithelial cells.


Infekterad kycklingbursa visade inter- och intracellulärt ödem, förtätning och marginering av kärnkromatin, ökat antal lysosomer i makrofager och lymfocytolytiska förändringar från 8 tim. efter infektion. Inklusionskroppar med sfäriska till sexkantiga viruspartiklar sågs i makrofagernas cytoplasma. Viruspartiklar under förökning i kristalliniska stråk sågs i enstaka eller multipla grupper i cytoplasman av makrofager, lymfocyter och epiteliala retikelceller.


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The authors are thankful to Prof. H.J. Hansen, the Director of SIDA Programmes in Veterinary Pathology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden, and the Director of I. V.R.I., Izatnagar, India for extending all the possible help for completing the study.

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Panisup, A.S., Järplid, B., Verma, K.C. et al. Electron Microscopy of Bursa of Fabricius of Chicks Infected with a Field Strain of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus. Acta Vet Scand 29, 125–127 (1988).

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