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Species Specificity in Thermostable and Ethanol Insoluble Tissue Antigens

III. Further Immunization of Ruminants with Antigens from other Ruminants and Whale (Balaenoptera Acutorostrata)


In a previous experiment, it was shown that goats developed species specific antibodies against antigen from bovine kidney prepared by boiling and ethanol precipitation (BE) (Andersen 1975). The experiment indicated that ruminant species might be able to produce species specific antibodies towards BE antigens from other ruminant species. The following experiments were undertaken in order to test the validity of this supposition.


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Andersen, A.E. Species Specificity in Thermostable and Ethanol Insoluble Tissue Antigens. Acta Vet Scand 18, 561–562 (1977).

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