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Comparative Studies on Enrichment And Selective Media for Isolation of Salmonellae from Faecal Specimens


Enrichment media (tetrathionate, selenite and Rapp ap ort broths) and selective media (desoxycholate citrate agar and brilliant green agar) were tested in different combinations to ascertain their capacity for isolation of salmonella bacteria. The material consisted of 299 samples of cattle faeces from two herds infected with salmonella (Table 1), and of 111 artificially contaminated samples of pig faeces (Table 3). The tetrathionate and selenite broths were equally useful for the material as a whole, whereas the results varied between different species of salmonella which is of great practical interest. The number of salmonella isolations was much lower when enrichment with Rappaport broth was used. The rate of salmonella isolations can often be increased by parallel enrichments with two different media. Of the selective agar media tested, brilliant green agar was superior to desoxycholate citrate agar.


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Robertsson, J.Ä., Söderlind, O. Comparative Studies on Enrichment And Selective Media for Isolation of Salmonellae from Faecal Specimens. Acta Vet Scand 18, 300–307 (1977).

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