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The Generalized Shwartzman Reaction in Association With E. Coli Enterotoxemia in a Pig


A pig at the age of approx. 10 weeks died after four days of illness. Distinct necrotic changes were found both in the skin and the cortex of the kidneys. The histological examination revealed fibrinoid thrombi in skin vessels. In the kidneys similar thrombi were observed in capillaries of the glomeruli and in their afferent arterioles and in the interlobular arteries. In these vessels there were also a fibrinoid mural necrosis. These changes were in accordance with those expected to occur in the generalized Shwartzman reaction (GSR). The diagnosis of Escherichia coli enterotoxemia was based on the pathomorphological changes in the alimentary tract. The E. coli enterotoxemia was considered the cause of the GSR-changes.


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Teige, J., Gamlem, H. The Generalized Shwartzman Reaction in Association With E. Coli Enterotoxemia in a Pig. Acta Vet Scand 18, 316–322 (1977).

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