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Agarose Gel Electrophoretic Fractionation of Serum Proteins in Adult Cattle. II. A Study Of Cows with Different Diseases


In 283 dairy cows suffering from internal disorders the serum proteins were studied by agarose gel electrophoresis supplemented by total protein and albumin determinations. The clinical diagnoses could be grouped according to protein pattern. Group 1 (abomasal displacement and traumatic muscle injury) did not appreciably affect the serum protein concentrations and represented primarily non-inflammatory diseases or diseases of non-infectious origin. Group 2 (leukosis) occupied an exceptional position, with heavy lowering of albumin unaccompanied by a corresponding rise of total globulin. The γ-globulin concentration was significantly lowered. Group 3 (acute traumatic peritonitis) represented an acute inflammatory process with increase chiefly of the α-globulins, while the γ-globulin concentration was normal. Group 4 (chronic traumatic peritonitis, summer mastitis, chronic subclinical mastitis, chronic laminitis and polyarthritis, urinary tract infection, abscess, and sub-acute-chronic pneumonia) comprised diseases chiefly of chronic inflammatory character and with infectious origin. Especially characteristic was the heavy rise of globulins in general and of γ-globulin in particular. In most cases there was a large increase also of the α- and p-globulin fractions.


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Liberg, P. Agarose Gel Electrophoretic Fractionation of Serum Proteins in Adult Cattle. II. A Study Of Cows with Different Diseases. Acta Vet Scand 18, 335–348 (1977).

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