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Mycoplasma Suipneumoniae and Mycoplasma Flocculare in the Growth Precipitation Test

Mycoplasma suipneumoniæ og Mycoplasma flocculare sammenlignet ved vækstpræcipitationsmetoden


A number of laboratory and field strains of Mycoplasma suipneumoniae and Mycoplasma flocculare were subjected to a comparative examination by the growth precipitation test. It was found that all the strains could readily be identified by that test. Slight evidence of cross-reaction was noted for a few of the laboratory strains, but not until late in the observation period. Only some of the field strains would form precipitates when primary cultures (from tissue suspensions) were used, but all strains could be identified already in the second and third passages. The test therefore seems well suited for distinguishing the two species from each other.


Et antal laboratorieadapterede, såvel som nyisolerede stammer af Mycoplasma suipneumoniæ og Mycoplasma flocculare er blevet under- kastet en sammenlignende undersøgelse ved hjælp af vækstpræcipita-tionsmetoden. Samtlige stammer fandtes at kunne identificeres ved metoden, men for nogle laboratoriestammers vedkommende påvistes dog en lavgradig krydsreaktion sent i observationsperioden. Selvom nogle af de nyisolerede stammer var i stand til at danne præcipitater allerede efter isolation fra vævssuspensionen, fandtes det dog nødven- digt at foretage yderligere 1 eller 2 passager før regelret identifika- tion kunne iagttages for samtlige stammers vedkommende.

Metoden synes bereiter anbefalelsesværdig til identifikationsfor- mål, såvel hvad angår M. suipneumoniæ som M. flocculare.


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Friis, N. Mycoplasma Suipneumoniae and Mycoplasma Flocculare in the Growth Precipitation Test. Acta Vet Scand 18, 168–175 (1977).

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