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An “Inclusion-Body-Like” Configuration of Some Cell Nuclei in Moose


At routine post-mortem of a moose an inclusion-body-like configuration of the nuclei of the cells in the granule layer of the cerebellum was found. This was also observed to a lesser extent in glial cells of the cerebrum, epithelial cells of the collecting tubules of kidney and in the hepatocytes.


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The authors wish to thank Knut Edén and Carl af Ugglas for supplying most of the control material of moose and roedeer brains. Cecilia Roos is gratefully acknowledged for her skillful technical work.

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Villar, J.A., Rehbinder, C. An “Inclusion-Body-Like” Configuration of Some Cell Nuclei in Moose. Acta Vet Scand 18, 287–289 (1977).

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