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Keratitis in Reindeer Investigations of Mycoplasma, Rickettsia, Rickettsia-Like Organisms and Virus


Six investigations were performed in order to explore the possibility that mycoplasma, rickettsia, rickettsia-like organisms or virus can be connected with outbreaks of keratitis in reindeer. It has not been poissible in the investigations undertaken to confirm the presence of any of these organisms, indicating that they do not act as etiological agents in keratitis in reindeer.


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The contribution by Gunnar Rockborn, Dr. vet. med., is gratefully acknowledged.

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Rehbinder, C. Keratitis in Reindeer Investigations of Mycoplasma, Rickettsia, Rickettsia-Like Organisms and Virus. Acta Vet Scand 18, 65–74 (1977).

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