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Keratitis in Reindeer

Relation to the Presence of 1St Instar Larvae of the Nostril Fly (Cephenomyia Trompe L) in the Conjunctival Sac and to Natural Ultraviolet Radiation


The significance of the presence of 1st instar larvae of the reindeer nostril fly (Cephenomyia trompe L) in the conjunctival sac of reindeer was investigated. The influences of natural ultraviolet radiation upon the development of inflammatory reactions of the eyes was also studied. It is stated that both 1st instar larvae of the Cephenomyia fly, when deposited on the eye, and natural ultraviolet radiation may act as predisposing or enhancing factors in the etiology of keratitis in reindeer. In certain cases keratitis may develop when both parameters are present.


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The skillful help in handling the animals by Elis Olsson-Rokka and Hilding Vennberg and also the courtesy of the reindeer owners in Ängeså Sameby to furnish with animals and build corrals are gratefully acknowledged. I am also grateful to Julian Maliniak, dipl. ing., and Rikard Ekval, fil. kand., for the translations of the articles in Russian.

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Rehbinder, C. Keratitis in Reindeer. Acta Vet Scand 18, 75–85 (1977).

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