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Occurrence of Gaffkaemia in Lobsters in Norway


Gaffkaemia is a bacterial disease which causes periodic, lethal epizootics in holding facilities for live American (Homarus americanus) and European (Homarus vulgaris) lobsters (Snieszko & Taylor 1947, Roskam 1957). Gaffkaemia, with the causative agent Aerococcus viridans, has been diagnosed in many countries in Europe and elsewhere. Roskam (1957, 1958) reported the disease in lobsters imported to the Netherlands from Norway. In Norway, however, the disease has never before been reported, though an experiment has shown that gaffkaemia could be induced in lobsters from a Norwegian area with injections of the A.T.C.C. type strain no. 10400 of the causative agent (Møllerud 1971).


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Håstein, T., Roald, S.O., Kjos-Hansen, B. et al. Occurrence of Gaffkaemia in Lobsters in Norway. Acta Vet Scand 18, 138–139 (1977).

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