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Summer Mastitis in Heifers: Observations on the Effect of Insect Attacks on the Teats of Heifers


An estimation of the possible etiology behind summer mastitis in heifers includes an evaluation of the significance of various insects as hosts for the causal microorganism. Under Danish conditions, several species of insects may be considered disease-carriers, such as Simulium sp., Culicoides sp., tabanids and Hydrotaea irritans (Fall.) in particular. In contrast to the other insects mentioned, Hydrotaea irritans is not able to penetrate the skin by itself but depends on one of the species of insects able to carry out the necessary opening of the skin in order to be able to pick up a “blood meal” (cf. Hϕi Sϕensen 1979).


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Farmer Lasse Petersen most kindly placed the heifers and the cowshed ait our disposal. We highly apprecitate this. The authors are indebted to Karl M. V. Jensen, stud, scient., who contributed significantly by capturing and tethering the heifers. This study was supported by grant No. from the Danish Agricultural and Veterinary Research Council.

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Brummerstedt, E., Nielsen, S.A. Summer Mastitis in Heifers: Observations on the Effect of Insect Attacks on the Teats of Heifers. Acta Vet Scand 27, 138–140 (1986).

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