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Follicular Development in Lactating, Post Weaning and Anoestrous Primiparous Sows

Follikelutvecklingen hos ungsuggor under diperioden och efter avvänjningen


The ovarian follicular system was studied in 4 lactating sows (6 or 8 weeks lactation period), 4 post weaning sows (2 or 4 days after weaning) and 5 post weaning anoestrous sows (22 days after weaning) by macroscopical and microscopical examinations. Blood sampling was performed daily in the post weaning anoestrous sows. The results showed that none of the sows had ovulated during lactation and after weaning. Only small and medium sized follicles were present in the ovaries of the sows. The blood levels of oestradiol-17β and progesterone were low throughout the post weaning period in the anoestrous sows. Microscopical examination showed that all sows had more normal than atretic follicles. In the lactating sows all follicles were below 5 mm in size, the majority being small (1.00–2.99 mm in diameter). The post weaning sows had follicles up to 5.00–5.99 mm and 23–24% of the follicles were medium sized (3.00–5.99 mm in diameter). The post weaning anoestrous sows had no follicles above 5 mm in diameter but many normal medium sized follicles.


Follikelaktiviteten i äggstockarna studerades såväl makroskopiskt som mikroskopiskt hos 4 lakterande suggor (6 och 8 veckors diperiod), 4 avvandra suggor (2 och 4 dagar efter avvänjningen) och 5 suggor som inte visat brunst inom 22 dagar efter avvänjningen. Blodprov togs dagligen från de suggor som inte visade brunst. Resultaten visade att ingen sugga hade ovulerat under diperioden eller efter avvänjningen. Äggstockarna innehöll endast små och medelstora folliklar. Blodplasmanivåerna av 17β-östradiol och progesteron var låga under hela observationsperioden hos de suggor som inte visat brunst. Samtliga suggor hade fler normala än atretiska f olliklar i äggstockarna (≥1 mm i diameter). Hos de lakterande suggorna var samtliga folliklar mindre än 5 mm i diameter (majoriteten 1,00–2,99 mm i diameter). Hos de nyligen avvanda suggorna innehöll äggstockarna folliklar som var upp till 5,00–5,99 mm i diameter och 23–24% av folliklarna var medelstora (3,00–5,99 mm i diameter). De suggor som inte visat brunst hade inga folliklar större än 5 diameter, men ett flertal medelstora folliklar.


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We would like to thank Miss Catharina Falkenberg and Mrs. Kerstin Lindblad for excellent histological assistance, also Dr. P. Bunjamanee, Dr. L. C. Fu, Dr. M. Soetimboel and Dr. Nussara Vadhanakul for exellent technical assistance. This work was supported by the Swedish Council for Forestry and Agricultural Research. A scholarship awarded to S. Roja–nasthien by the Swedish Institute, is acknowledged.

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Rojanasthien, S., Einarsson, S. & Settergren, I. Follicular Development in Lactating, Post Weaning and Anoestrous Primiparous Sows. Acta Vet Scand 28, 421–427 (1987).

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