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Variation of Transferrin and Esterase in Sera of Dogs

Variasjon av transferrin og esterase i hundesera


Transferrin (Tf), arylesterase (ArE) and another esterase (Es) have been studied in sera from 1023 dogs by the use of isoelectric focusing (IEF) in polyacrylamide gels. Tf types were determined after protein staining in gels of pH range 5–6 and 5–7. The expression of Tf types as measured by strength of bands varied considerably. The Tf band patterns are explained by the occurrence of the 4 codominant alleles, TfF, TfM ΤfM2 and TfS of which TfM1 and TfM2are common. Some breeds had similar gene frequencies, others differed considerably. For determination of ArE types specifically stained gels of pH range 4.2–4.9 and 4.0–6.5 were employed. The ArE phenotypes appeared as multiple band patterns of which the individual bands varied considerably in strength. Atypical ArE patterns were observed in dogs suffering from certain diseases. The normal ArE phenotypes are explained by a total of 7 codominant alleles of which ArEN and ArET have not been previously described. Gene frequencies varied between breeds. For the other esterase (Es) the appearance and position of bands indicate at least 2 alleles in this system.


Transferrin (Tf), arylesterase (ArE) og en annen esterase (Es) er ved bruk av isoelektrisk fokusering (IEF) i polyakrylamid geler undersøkt i sera fra 1023 hunder. Tf typene ble bestemt i geler med pH områder 5–6 og 5–7 etter protein farging. Typenes uttrykksform, bedømt etter båndmønstre, viste stor variasjon. Båndmønstrene forklares med forekomst av de 4 kodominante alleler, TfF, TfM1, TfM2 og TfS hvorav TfM1 og TfM2 er vanlige. Genfrekvenser var de samme for visse raser, men varierte for andre. For diagnostisering av ArE typer ble det brukt spesifikk farging av geler med pH områder 4.2–4.9 og 4.0–6.5. ArE fenotypene opptrådte som multiple båndmønstre hvor de individuelle bånd viste stor variasjon m.h.t. styrke. Atypiske ArE mønstre ble observert i hunder med visse sjukdommer. De normale ArE fenotyper forklares gjennom forekomst av 7 kodominante alleler hvorav ArEN og ArET ikke tidligere er beskrevet. Det var variasjon av genfrekvenser mellom raser. For den andre esterase (Es) tyder utseende og plassering av bånd på minst 2 alleler i dette system.


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We are grateful to Dr. Ε. M. Tucker, Institute for Animal Physiology, Babraham, Cambridge, England, who read and improved the manuscript. We also want to thank professor Jorunn Grondalen and her staff, Norwegian College of Veterinary Medicine and Director of Stovner Animal Clinic, Torbjørn Owren, and his staff who kindly provided dog samples. Norsk Kennel Klub deserve our thanks for financial assistance. We also thank Ingrid Harbitz, Department of Biochemistry, Norwegian College of Veterinary Medicine who kindly developed the auto–radiographs.

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Braend, M., Andersen, A.E. Variation of Transferrin and Esterase in Sera of Dogs. Acta Vet Scand 28, 435–444 (1987).

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