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Studies on the Progression of Aleutian Disease in Mink

Undersøgelse af udviklingen af plasmacytose hos mink


One hundred ninetyfive male ADV-negative mink, including 79 pairs of brothers, were followed in their response to natural ADV-infection caused by mating with ADV-positive females and under epidemic conditions. Special attention was drawn to the development of progressive versus non-progressive Aleutian disease. This was done by plasmaelectrophoresis, detection of antibodies to ADV, and finally by macroscopical examination of mink organs at pelting time. We found that the progression of Aleutian disease presumably is under some genetic influence. We also found indication of differences in the response to ADV depending on how the infection was introduced. Mating to positive females (low virus concentration) resulted in significantly higher proportion of non-progressive responders than infection under epidemic conditions (high virus concentration).


Ethundredeogfemoghalvfems plasmacytose-negative hanmink, inclusive 79 broderpar, blev fulgt med henblik på deres reaktion på naturlig plasmacytose-infektion forårsaget dels ved parring med plasmacytose-positive hunner og dels under epidemiske omstændigheder. Særlig opmærksomhed blev rettet mod udviklingen af progressiv kontra ikke-progressiv plasmacytose. Dette undersøgtes ved plasmaelektroforese, sporing af plasmacytoseantistof og slutteligt ved makroskopisk undersøgelse af minkorganer. Vi fandt, at udviklingen af plasmacytose sandsynligvis er genetisk influeret. Vi fandt også indikation for, at mink reagerer forskelligt på infektion med plasmacytosevirus og at forskellen er afhængig af infektionsmåden. Pairing med positive hunner (lav viruskoncentration) gav signifikant højere ratio af ikke-progressive forløb af plasmacytose end infektion under epidemiske forhold (høj viruskoncentration).


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Knud Christensen, Department of Animal Genetics, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen, Denmark, was most helpful in contributing his expertise in genetics to the planning and evaluation phases of this research which we gratefully acknowledge. However, responsibility for any error or omission rests solely with the authors.

The technical assistance of Ms. Else Bang Larsen and Ms. Anne Friis Petersen is greatly acknowledged. This work was supported by grants from the Danish Veterinary and Agricultural Research Council, the Danish Fur Breeders Association Research Foundation, Andre Simon S. A., and Sys-plan A/S.

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Aasted, B., Hauch, H. Studies on the Progression of Aleutian Disease in Mink. Acta Vet Scand 29, 315–321 (1988).

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