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Levels of 15-keto-1344-dihydro-PFG, Progesterone and Oestradiol-17β after Induced Ovulations in Llamas and Alpacas

Blodnivåene av 15-keto- 13,14-dihydro-PGF2α, progesteron och östradiol-17β efter inducerade ovulationer på lamor och alpackor


Six llamas and 6 alpacas were mated to vasectomized males; ovulation and corpus luteum formation followed. Progesterone in blood was elevated from day 5 and reached maximum concentrations of 10–20 nmol/1 on day 7–8. A rapid decline in progesterone levels occurred on day 9–10 in connection with repeated surge releases of prostaglandin F. Oestradiol-17β levels were > 100–200 pmol/1 during oestrus when the animals were mated. These high levels might have been caused by coital stimulation. A temporary increase was detected in connection with the rise in progesterone levels in the early luteal phase. With this exception levels of oestradiol stayed low, 20–40 pmol/1 during the luteal phase but rose in most animals after luteolysis to 40–60 pmol/1.


Sex lamor och 6 alpackor betåcktes med vasektomerade handjur med ovulation och bildning av gulkropp som följd. Progesteron steg på dag 5 och nådde maximal koncentration på 10–20 nmol/1 på dag 7–8. Ett snabbt fall i progesteronnivån inträffade på dag 9–10 samtidigt med en upprepad frisättning av prostaglandin F. Östradiol-17β nivån var > 100–200 nmol/l under brunsten när djuren betäcktes. Dessa höga nivåer kan ha orsakats av den sexuella stimulansen från betäckningsakten. En kortvarig ökning iakttogs också i samband med progesteronstegringen i lutealfasens början. Med undantag av detta var östradiolnivåerna låga under lutealfasen, 20–40 pmol/l, men steg hos de flesta djuren till 40–60 pmol/l efter luteolysen.


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This study was supported by grants from the Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation with developing Countries (SAREC) and the Collaborative Research Support Program - Small Ruminant (SR-CRSP) of the University of California and the Technical Swiss Cooperation in Peru. Be-rit Ek, Kerstin Lindblad, Lena Nordberg and Margareta Svensson are acknowledged for their skilful technical assistance and Dr. Christina Aro-senius for carrying the smples from Peru to Sweden.

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Fredriksson, G., Sumar, J., Alarcon, V. et al. Levels of 15-keto-1344-dihydro-PFG, Progesterone and Oestradiol-17β after Induced Ovulations in Llamas and Alpacas. Acta Vet Scand 29, 339–346 (1988).

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