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Variations in Measures of Udder Health within a Short Period of Time

Korttidsvariation af yversundhedsstatus. I. Dynamiske karakteristika ved subkliniske mastitisdiagnoser baseret på cytologiske og bakteriologiske parametre

I. The dynamic characteristics in diagnostics of subclinical mastitis based on cytological and bacteriological parameters


Foremilk quarter samples were collected at morning and evening milkings on 6 dates during a 9 day period. At the end of the period teat puncture samples were drawn. Mastitis diagnoses based on bacteriological and cytological examinations were established for all 13 sets of samples from 45 cows (180 quarters). The effect of a fixed cell count (SCC) treshold value on mastitis diagnoses was studied as was the effect of variations in bacteriological state. The majority of shifts in diagnoses occurred only at few quarters due to the fact, that variation in the SCC–based diagnoses almost inevitably occurred in quarters with a SCC level close to the threshold. The future bacteriological state depended on both the previous and present bacteriological states in such a way, that changes in the future state seldom occurred when both the previous and present bacteriological states were the same. In conclusion, the quarter health state appeared to be fairly stable during a short period of time and the probability of changing mastitis diagnosis depended not only on the present diagnosis, but also on the actual somatic cell count and the previous bacteriological state.


På 6 datoer i løbet af en 9 dages periode blev der ved morgen- og aftenmalkning aseptisk udtaget kirtelprøver og ved afslutningen af perioden cister-nepunktur-prøver. Det endelige materiale omfattede 13 sæt prøver fra 45 køer (180 kirtler). Mastitisdiagnoser blev baseret på resultater af bakteriologiske undersøgelser og på cellebestemmelse. 300.000 celler/ml blev valgt som grænseværdien mellem sund og syg. Diagnoseskift blev forårsaget af variation af celletallet omkring grænseværdien og af variation i bakteriologisk status. Effekten af variation i begge mastitisdiagnostiske parametre blev studeret. Flertallet af diagnoseskift vedrørte kun få kirtler. Variation i den celletalsbaserede diagnose indtraf især, men næsten uundgåeligt når en kirtels celletal var tæt ved den valgte grænseværdi. Resultatet af en bakteriologisk undersøgelse var afhængig af både den tidligere og den seneste bakteriologiske status. Bakteriologisk forårsagede diagnoseskift indtraf således sjældent, når status ved to forudgående undersøgelser var identiske. Kirtlernes sundhedsstatus var forholdsvis stabil i løbet af forsøgsperioden.


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The authors thank Mrs. B. Berg for excellent assistance. The project was supported by the Danish Agricultural and Veterinary Research Council, grant no.

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Jensen, N.E., Knudsen, K. Variations in Measures of Udder Health within a Short Period of Time. Acta Vet Scand 29, 421–430 (1988).

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