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Scrapie in Sheep in Sweden


In 1986 scrapie was diagnosed in 2 ewes of Swedish landrace (finn sheep) from a herd south of Stockholm (Carlsson et al 1986). As the diagnosis was based on clinical histo-ry and patho-anathomical changes only, inoculation tests in mice and goats were per-formed to try to verify the diagnosis.


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The authors wish to thank Dr. David Buxton, Moredun Research Institute, and Dr. Hugh Fra-ser, Institute of Animal Health, Edinburgh, Scot-land for kind assistance in the histopathological diagnoses, and professor Kerstin Olsson for per-forming intracerebral inoculations of the goats.

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Ehander, M., Engvall, A. & Klingeborn, B. Scrapie in Sheep in Sweden. Acta Vet Scand 29, 509–510 (1988).

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