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An Attempt to Evaluate the Spreading of Taenia saginata Eggs in the Environment


Taeniid eggs may be transmitted either abi-otically by e.g. sewage disposal, rainfall and water streams or biotically by vectors as her-bivores, birds and insects. Among the insects especially the flies may play an important role as shown in New Zealand by Lawson & Gemmell (1983, 1985). The fly-borne trans-mission may take place over long distances. Lawson & Gemmell (1983) evaluated that the majority of eggs would be deposited within 1.6 km from their point of origin, but some eggs might be spread even longer.


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Henriksen, S.A., Kyvsgaard, N.C., Usee, B. et al. An Attempt to Evaluate the Spreading of Taenia saginata Eggs in the Environment. Acta Vet Scand 29, 511–513 (1988).

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