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Hog Cholera Antibodies in Pigs Vaccinated with an Aujeszky-Vaccine Based on Antigen Produced in IB-RS-2 Cells

Svinepestantistoffer i grise efter vaccination med en Aujeszky-vaccine fremstillet på antigen produceret i IB-RS-2 celler


The cell line IB-RS-2 is confirmed to be persistently infected with hog cholera virus. Vaccination of pigs against Aujeszky’s Disease with an inactivated vaccine based on antigen produced on this cell line induced neutralizing antibodies against hog cholera virus.


Cellelinien IB-RS-2 er persistent inficeret med svinepestvirus. Vaccination af grise mod Morbus Aujeszky ved hjælp af en inaktiveret vaccine baseret på antigen produceret i denne cellelinie kan foranledige fremkomst af neutraliserende antistoffer mod svinepestvirus.


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Jensen, M.H. Hog Cholera Antibodies in Pigs Vaccinated with an Aujeszky-Vaccine Based on Antigen Produced in IB-RS-2 Cells. Acta Vet Scand 22, 517–523 (1981).

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