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Longevity of Breeding Sows in Relation to Leg Weakness Symptoms at Six Months of Age

Holdbarhed hos søer i relation til bensvaghedssymptomer ved seks måneders alderen.


The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of leg weakness symptoms measured early in life (at 6 months of age) on the longevity of the sows, i.e. the age at culling due to locomotory problems in a Danish pig herd. One hundred and eighty-seven gilts at 6 months of age were selected according to different leg weakness symptoms and were followed until culling and judged for leg weakness once in every gestation using a scale from 1 (normal) to 4 (severe changes). Age at culling, and the main and secondary reasons for culling were recorded. The influence of leg weakness symptoms on longevity was evaluated by survival analysis. Though only 12% of the gilts showed a stiff locomotion half of the sows had suffered from this and nearly one third had been distinctly lame at some time in their life. Buck-kneed forelegs, upright pasterns, legs turned out, standing under position and swaying hindquarters were associated with stiff locomotion or lameness, whereas weak pasterns on hind legs and splayed digits on forelegs were associated with brisk movement (freedom from locomotor problems). The following leg weakness symptoms at the gilt stage were found to have significant negative effects on longevity: buck-kneed forelegs, swaying hindquarters, and standing under position on hind legs.


Formålet med undersøgelsen var at klarlægge indflydelsen af forskellige bensvaghedssymptomer målt tidligt i dyrenes liv (6 måneders alder) på deres senere holdbarhed målt som alder ved udsættelse pga. benproblemer. 187 gylte med forskellige bensvaghedssymptomer ved 6 måneders alderen blev fulgt indtil udsættelse og bedømt for bensvaghed én gang i hver drægtighed på en skala fra 1 (normal) til 4 (svære forandringer). Alder ved udsættelse og de primære og eventuelle sekundære årsager til udsættelse blev registreret. Indflydelsen af bensvaghedssymptomer på holdbarhed blev analyseret med overlevelsesanalyse. 12% af gyltene blev udvalgt med stiv bevægelse i 6 måneders alderen; frekvensen steg derefter, således at halvdelen af dyrene udviste stiv bevægelse i løbet af deres levetid og en trejdedel blev decideret halte. Krumme forben, stejle koder, udaddrejede forben, understillede bagben og svingende bagpart var associeret med stiv bevægelse og/eller halthed, mens bjørnefodethed (slappe koder) på bagben og spredeklove på forben var associeret med en livlig gang (fravær af bevægelsesproblemer). Følgende bensvaghedssymptomer fandtes at have en signifikant negativ indflydelse på holdbarhed: krumme forben, svingende bagpart og understillede bagben.


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Jørgensen, B. Longevity of Breeding Sows in Relation to Leg Weakness Symptoms at Six Months of Age. Acta Vet Scand 41, 105–121 (2000).

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