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Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV): A review

Bovint respiratorisk syncytial virus (BRSV): Review.


Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) infection is the major cause of respiratory disease in calves during the first year of life. The study of the virus has been difficult because of its lability and very poor growth in cell culture. However, during the last decade, the introduction of new immunological and biotechnological techniques has facilitated a more extensive study of BRSV as illustrated by the increasing number of papers published. Despite this growing focus, many aspects of the pathogenesis, epidemiology, immunology etc. remain obscure. The course and outcome of the infection is very complex and unpredictable which makes the diagnosis and subsequent therapy very difficult. BRSV is closely related to human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) which is an important cause of respiratory disease in young children. In contrast to BRSV, the recent knowledge of HRSV is regularly extensively reviewed in several books and journals. The present paper contains an updated review on BRSV covering most aspects of the structure, molecular biology, pathogenesis, pathology, clinical features, epidemiology, diagnosis and immunology based on approximately 140 references from international research journals.


Infektion med bovint respiratorisk syncytial virus (BRSV) er den hyppigste årsag til lungebetændelse hos specielt yngre kalve. Anvendelse af nyere molekylaerbiologiske metoder har de senere år resulteret i en eksplosiv vækst af publicerede artikler om handlende dette virus og den infektion, det er årsag til. BRSV er et enkelt-strenget RNA virus, der tilhører genus Pneumovirus. Infektionen rammer primært yngre kalve, hvor det giver anledning til alvorlig lungebetændelse med kraftige kliniske symptomer og udbredte lungeforandringer. Erhvervede eller passivt overførte antistoffer synes ikke at beskytte fuldt mod infektion, idet selv kalve med maternel immunitet inficeres ligesom ældre dyr hyppigt gennemgår reinfektion, der dog ikke giver anledning til alvorlig sygdom. Smittevejene er delvis ukendte, men tæt kontakt er formodentlig nødvendig. Immunopatologiske mekanismer synes at bidrage til sygdomsudviklingen, hvilket menes at vaere medvirkende årsag til, at det er problematisk at vaccinere mod infektionen.

Baseret på cirka 140 referencer praesenteres et opdateret overblik omhandlende BRSV, herunder de væsentlige aspekter af virusstruktur, molekylær biologi, patogenese, patologi, kliniske tegn, epidemiologi, diagnose og immunologi.


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Larsen, L.E. Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV): A review. Acta Vet Scand 41, 1–24 (2000).

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