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Table 2 Medical data (median and range) for 39 dogs with acute kidney injury and comparison between survivors and non-survivors

From: Acute kidney injury management using intermittent low efficiency haemodiafiltration in a critical care unit: 39 dogs (2012–2015)


All (n = 39)

Survivors (n = 21)

Non-survivors (n = 18)


Medical data



29 (74%)

16 (76%)

13 (72%)



6 (15%)

3 (14%)

3 (18%)



4 (10%)

2 (10%)

2 (11%)


 Time to referral (days)

4 (0–31)

5 (2–31)

3 (0–12)


 Hosp. length (days)

8 (1–23)

10 (4–23)

4 (1–14)

< 0.001*

RRT data

 Time to initiation (days)

18 (4–72)

18 (6–48)

18 (4–72)


 Number of RRT treatments

3 (1–8)

2 (1–8)

3 (1–7)


 DeltaCreat/h (1, 2)

5.7 (− 13.5 to 71.8)

0.8 (− 13.5 to 29.9)

10.7 (− 10.7 to 71.8)


 DeltaCreat/h (2, 3)

14 (− 100 to 117)

2 (− 100 to 82)

28 (− 49 to 117)


 DeltaCreat/h (3, 4)

− 2 (− 104; 100)

− 8 (− 61 to 5)

4 (− 104; 100)


UOP at adm.


13 (35.1%)

4 (10.8%)

9 (24.3%)



24 (64.9%)

18 (48.6%)

6 (16.2%)


UOP (mL/kg/h) in hosp.

 Day 1 (n = 37)

0.5 (0–10)

0.5 (0–10)

0 (0–2)


 Day 2 (n = 37)

1.8 (0–16.3)

2.4 (0–16.3)

0.2 (0–3)

< 0.0001*

 Day 3 (n = 36)

1.95 (0–14.2)

3 (0–12)

0.3 (0–2.29)

< 0.0001*

 Day 4 (n = 30)

2.8 (0–12)

3 (7–12)

0.4 (0–4)

< 0.0001*

 Day 5 (n = 28)

3.2 (0–7.5)

3.1 (1–7.5)

0.4 (0–4)


  1. RRT: extracorporeal renal replacement therapy. UOP at adm.: urine output at admission, with anuria defined as UOP < 0.3 mL/kg/h. DeltaCreat/h (1–2), (2, 3) and (3, 4): difference between serum creatinine concentration in µmol/L/h after the first and before the second, after the second and before the third, and after the third and before the fourth RRT treatment, respectively, divided by the time (in hours) between treatments. UOP in hosp.: daily urine output during hospitalization. Hosp. length: hospitalization length, in days
  2. *Significant difference between survivors and non-survivors