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Table 3 Dietary practices

From: Prevalence and risk factors for laminitis within the Norwegian pony breed Nordlandshest/Lyngshest

Feeding and pasture

n (%)

Prevalence of laminitis (2017–2019), n (%)

Roughage (type)

 Hay (H)

96 (20.7)

14 (14.6)

 Vacuum-packed grass (VG)

186 (40.1)

12 (6.5)

 Grass silage (GS)

32 (6.9)

3 (9.4)

 Roughage combination (H/VG/GS)

150 (32.3)

10 (6.7)

Roughage (Digestible Energy)*

 H1 (> 5.9 kJ/Kg)

6 (1.3)

2 (33.3)

 H2 (5.4–5.9 kJ/Kg)

71 (15.3)

4 (5.6)

 H3 (5.0–5.4 kJ/Kg)

134 (28.9)

17 (12.7)

 H4 (4.2–5.0 kJ/Kg)

60 (12.9)

2 (3.3)

 H5 (< 4.2 kJ/Kg)

5 (1.1)

2 (40.0)


188 (40.5)

12 (6.4)


 High energy product

99 (21.3)

5 (5.1)

  Low energy product

144 (31.0)

17 (11.8)

 High & low energy

55 (11.9)

2 (3.6)


166 (35.8)

15 (9.0)

Concentrates, daily supply

 No supply

133 (28.7)

 15 (11.3)

  ≤ 0.5 L

207 (44.6)

 17 (8.2)

 0.5–1.0 L

83 (17.9)

 5 (6.0)

 1–2 L

32 (6.9)

 1 (3.1)

 2–3 L

9 (1.9)

 1 (11.1)

Fruits and vegetables


107 (23.1)

5 (4.7)


357 (76.9)

34 (9.5)



315 (67.9)

30 (9.5)


149 (32.1)

9 (6.0)



63 (13.6)

5 (7.9)


146 (31.5)

7 (4.8)

 Infields and outfields

242 (52.2)

20 (8.3)


13 (2.8)

7 (53.9)

  1. The table displays dietary practices for 464 Nordlandshest/Lyngshest ponies during 2017–2019, and the period prevalence of laminitis
  2. *Digestible Energy is given as amount of kilojoules per kilogram of dry matter (kJ/kg)