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Chronic Copper Poisoning in Sheep

Structural Changes in Erythrocytes and Organs


Four cases of experimental copper poisoning in sheep were examined. Light microscopical and ultrastructural alterations of erythrocytes were observed a few hours before a significant haemolysis was evident. Heinz body formation in otherwise unchanged red cells was the first morphological alteration observed. The Heinz bodies were predominantly membrane-attached. During the haemolytic crisis severe erythrocytic distortion, structural membrane alteration and Heinz body-containing ghost cells were observed. Erythrophagocytosis was mainly located to the RE cells of the spleen. Intrafollicular necroses were found in all histological sections from the spleen. Pathological changes in liver and kidney were comparable to those of earlier reports, comprising hepatocellular and renal tubular necrosis.


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The authors are greatly indebted to Miss Mette Edvardsen for technical assistance. Special thanks are given to Magne Aas Hansen, Dr. med. vet., for the permission to have the transaminase and bilirubin analyses carried out in his laboratory.

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Søli, N.E., Nafstad, I. Chronic Copper Poisoning in Sheep. Acta Vet Scand 17, 316–327 (1976).

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