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Occurrence of Antibodies to Group Specific Chlamydia Antigen in Cattle and Reindeer Sera in Finnish Lapland


The occurrence of group specific complement fixing antibodies was studied in random sera of cattle and reindeer in Finnish Lapland. Sixty-eight (40.5%) of the 168 cattle sera were positive. Sixty 4hree (21.6 %) of the 291 reindeer sera were positive. The difference is statistically nearly significant in the t-test. The antibody titer ≥ 1:16 was regarded as positive. The antibody frequency of cattle sera was statistically significantly higher and the antibody frequency of reindeer sera was nearly significantly higher than in earlier studies on cattle sera in South and Central Finland. The reasons are discussed.


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Neuvonen, E. Occurrence of Antibodies to Group Specific Chlamydia Antigen in Cattle and Reindeer Sera in Finnish Lapland. Acta Vet Scand 17, 363–369 (1976).

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