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Studies on the Occurrence of Peptococcus Indolicus and Corynebacterium Pyogenes in Apparently Healthy Cattle


A total of 1050 samples from apparently healthy cattle were examined bacteriologically with special regard to Pc. indolicus and Cb. pyogenes.

Pc. indolicus was found in 58 % of 130 samples from tonsils (slaughterhouse material), in 23 % of 620 samples from the vagina of cows, in 22 % of 100 samples from the vagina of calves and heifers, in 5 % of 100 samples from the conjunctival sac of cows, and in 10 % of 100 samples from the nasal cavity of cows (Table 1). Cb. pyogenes was found in 51 %, 17 %, 19 %, 8 %, and 6 %, respectively. Both organisms were found in each of 9 herds examined, though with varying frequency (Tables 2, 3, and 4).

Altogether Pc, indolicus was found in 254 (24 %) and Cb. pyogenes in 205 (20 %) of the samples examined (Table 1). In 127 samples both organisms were present. Eleven of the strains of Pc. indolicus were β-hemolytic, the rest non-hemolytic.

By gel diffusion analysis the strains of Pc. indolicus as well as those of Gb. pyogenes could be identified with strains originating from pathological conditions in cattle. With Serotype B occurring most frequently, usually two or three different types of Pc. indolicus were found in each of the herds examined (Tables 5, 6, and 7).

The investigation has shown that Pc. indolicus is widespread among healthy cattle, and given evidence to suggest that Pc. indolicus and Cb. pyogenes are natural cohabitants.


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Sørensen, G.H. Studies on the Occurrence of Peptococcus Indolicus and Corynebacterium Pyogenes in Apparently Healthy Cattle. Acta Vet Scand 17, 15–24 (1976).

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