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  1. Capillary form and function were studied in dogs with experimentally produced Hepatitis contagiosa canis (H.c.c). The observations were made in an intravital microscope (Leitz) and comprised conjuntival and me...

    Authors: Gert Lindblad, P-I. Brånemark and J. Lindström
    Citation: Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 1964 5:BF03547391
  2. The number of chromosomes of the rabbit was determined at 44, and both the X and the Y chromosomes have submedially situated centromeres. X is of medium size while Y is one of the smallest chromosomes of the c...

    Authors: Ingemar Gustavsson
    Citation: Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 1964 5:BF03547389
  3. Zinc in the blood was determined spectrographically and in the urine by the dithizone test. There was a tendency towards a drop in the zinc content of the blood during the first days of the experiment and also...

    Authors: Ingmar MÃ¥nsson
    Citation: Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 1964 5:BF03547385
  4. Fattening pigs and pigs for breeding have been fed γ-irradiated and non-irradiated control potatoes. The irradiation dose was 14–15 kilorad at the rates 175 r/sec. and 625 r/hr. Rats (Wistar) were also fed irr...

    Authors: Maire Jaarma and Bengt Henricson
    Citation: Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 1964 5:BF03547378
  5. Renal function studies on bitches with pyometra and normal bitches have included determinations of glomerular filtration rate (GFR), effective renal plasma flow (ERPF), solute excretion rate per unit functioni...

    Authors: Ã…ke Ã…sheim
    Citation: Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 1964 5:BF03547365
  6. A rapid spectrochemical method for determining zinc in 1 ml. portions of pig blood is described. Blood ash is dissolved in HNO3 and excited in a high voltage spark, using graphite capillary electrodes. Spectra ar...

    Authors: I. MÃ¥nsson, M. Askling and F. Manheim
    Citation: Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 1964 5:BF03547360
  7. A statistical analysis of the difference in the number of fluorescent cells between sections from different parts of the tonsil was made. It was found that there was no significant difference between sections ...

    Authors: C. R. Salenstedt
    Citation: Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 1963 4:BF03547198
  8. The pathogenesis of HCC virus infection in the dog has been investigated. Dogs were infected with virus given per os. After multiplication in the tonsils and in the draining lymph nodes virus was carried to th...

    Authors: C. R. Salenstedt
    Citation: Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 1963 4:BF03547197
  9. Renal function (concentration and dilution) has been examined in 52 bitches with polydipsia and polyuria associated with pyometra (chronic purulent endometritis).

    Authors: Ã…ke Ã…sheim
    Citation: Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 1963 4:BF03547192
  10. Bitches with polydipsia and pyometra (chronic purulent endometritis) were examined for ADH in the urine and the presence of Gomori-positive material in the hypothalamus and neurohypophysis.

    Authors: Ã…ke Ã…sheim
    Citation: Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 1963 4:BF03547191
  11. The lethal (in the female sex subvital) defect atresia ani has been studied in test matings which also included defect parents. The anatomy of the defect seems to vary between the sexes. Thus in the male sex it s...

    Authors: Bengt Von Henricson
    Citation: Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 1963 4:BF03547189
  12. In a starch gel electrophoretic study of sera from pigs of the Danish Landrace protein polymorphism involving four haptoglobins designated Hp 0, Hp 1, Hp 2 and Hp 3 was observed. Each component either occurred...

    Authors: Michael Hesselholt
    Citation: Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 1963 4:BF03547186
  13. The paper describes a complex zinc-copper deficiency in young cattle. The symptoms are general unthriftiness, reduced growth and a (fading of the skin around the eyes. Sometimes an alteration of the skin on th...

    Authors: Olav Dynna and Gustav N. Havre
    Citation: Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 1963 4:BF03547182
  14. Incubation in vitro of rumen fluid, to which had been added 40 µg. parathion per milliliter resulted in a rapid reduction of the nitro-group of the parathion to an amino group. After 10 minutes of incubation 12–1...

    Authors: A. M. Andersen and O. Karlog
    Citation: Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 1963 4:BF03547180
  15. The chromosomes of Chinchilla Lanigera, their number and morphology, have been studied in the mitotic metaphase in cells grown in vitro. The diploid number of chromosomes has been found to be 2n = 64.

    Authors: Norodd Nes
    Citation: Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 1963 4:BF03547178
  16. A comparative investigation of the amount of plasma glutamicoxaloacetic transaminase (GOT) and the morphology of the skeletal muscles has been made in pigs which were fed a muscular-dystrophy-provoking diet. A...

    Authors: Göran Magnusson and Kerstin Orstadius
    Citation: Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 1963 4:BF03547177
  17. Sodium-selenite-Se75 was given as an intramuscular injection to pigs fed on a dystrophogenic diet. An examination for radioactivity of organs at slaughter 1 to 22 days after administration showed that pigs affect...

    Authors: Lars Ekman, Kerstin Orstadius and Bertil Ã…berg
    Citation: Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 1963 4:BF03547175
  18. The addition of I. N. H. to Löwenstein medium has no effect on the growth of Mycobacterium johnei.

    Authors: G. Ringdal
    Citation: Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 1963 4:BF03547174
  19. On the basis of a finding of 17 serum protein fractions in normal bovine serum and 15 fractions in normal guinea-pig serum on immunoelectrophoresis, an attempt was made to characterize the fractions in terms o...

    Authors: I. Koefoed Jensen
    Citation: Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 1963 4:BF03547173
  20. The author has investigated the development of tarsus in Gallus domesticus using embryos of various ages together with one-day-old chicks. The author found that the anläge of tarsus is present as two cartilage...

    Authors: Ellen Holm Nielsen
    Citation: Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 1963 4:BF03547169
  21. A non-surgical method for obtaining pancreatic juice in dogs is described. A tube, preferably double for simultaneous suction of duodenal and stomach fluid, is inserted into the stomach. The upper part passes ...

    Authors: Heikki Säteri
    Citation: Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 1963 4:BF03547168
  22. Electrophoretic separation of cattle plasma in starch gel, with subsequent antigen-antibody reaction in agar gel and absorption experiments have proved that transferrins in cattle are immunologically related. ...

    Authors: E. Brummerstedt-Hansen
    Citation: Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 1962 3:BF03547143

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